About this site

Grey iron is a derivative metal that is known for its high compressive strength. It possesses a particular resistance to deformation and oxidation. It is used widely for columns of buildings, heavy-duty machine tools, and machine parts that can stand high pressure.

We have chosen the African elephant for our logo. It was chosen not as an indicator of political leaning but as a symbol of strength, honor, stamina, and wisdom. It is our aim, therefore to present viewpoints and opinions that are worthy of these characteristics.

The authors of these posts are here by invitation and will be identified if they so choose. Most have already successfully completed multiple careers in government, military, or business and sometimes in all three. It is not our intent to lecture or force opinions on others. It is rather to lend lifetimes of experience and observation to those that have replaced us as decision-makers and influencers. Our hope is that these thoughts will be of value.